
Domain specific terms

Term Definition
bookmark Usually a link to a website a user wants to save for later. Can be some other small piece of stored information.
widget Fine-grained hierarchical organization tool for bookmarks. Several bookmarks are grouped within one widget, e.g. by topic.
page Course-grained hierarchical organization tool bookmarks. Several widget are grouped within one page, e.g. for visual layout.

Technical terms

Term Definition
UI Acronym for user interface, that part of the application the user directly interacts with.
UX Acronym for user experience. It refers to qualities of the user interface: intuitive, efficient, pleasant etc.
Websocket A network technology for two-way communication. It is better suited to send messages from the backend to the frontend than HTTP.
HTTP Acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The network protocol that is the backbone of the modern web.
REST API A now mostly meaningless term in my opinion. The current industry standard for HTTP-based web app APIs is described as RESTful. Some properties of REST APIs are well-defined. For example, every request must be stateless, i.e. not depend on other requests.
Frontend & backend Terms used in web development, used to refer to the physically separated parts of a web app. "Frontend" refers to everything that's happening on the user's device. The classic technologies in this space are HTML, CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript. "Backend" refers to everything that's happening on the server. This usually includes a database and an api providing relevant business logic, written in basically any language.